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22800 Dewey Rd. Centerville, IA 52544 | 866.978.7103

King of Armor King of Armor

CENTERVILLE, IA – April 19, 2018 – RMA Armament, Inc., is proud to announce that “Fox & Friends” – cable’s most watching morning news show – will air a feature story on RMA on Saturday, April 21, 2018 between 6-10 AM EST.

Fox & Friends

Fox News reporter Todd Piro recently spent time at RMA’s 20,000 square-foot factory interviewing Owner and CEO Blake Waldrop and other employees about its world-class armor as well as its invitation to the White House for “Made in America” week in July, 2017.

RMA manufactures five rifle-rated hard armor plates certified by the National Institute of Justice as well as a wide array of other life-saving armor products, all of which, are Made in America.


RMA Armament, Inc, is a privately held Veteran-owned small business which designs, manufactures and markets patented and NIJ certified hard body armor plates at its production fortress in Centerville, IA. Founder and CEO Blake Waldrop is a U.S. Marine veteran and former Law Enforcement officer who created the company to build stronger, lighter and more affordable body armor. To learn more, visit our website at:

Adam Ruff
22800 Dewey Rd.
Centerville, IA 52544

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