100% American Made Body Armor
RMA (which stands for the company founder’s daughters Renee, Meghan, and Alexis) was founded by Blake Waldrop, a US Marine (2001-2005) and a sworn police officer (2007-2013). Blake knows what it’s like to wear body armor and put your life into a product’s hands and it’s his mission to design and produce the highest quality armor at the most affordable prices.
Here at RMA, we did something unique; took the concept of a body armor plate and made changes to every detailed part. We changed materials, adhesives, ceramics, and more. Every part – down to the thread – was analyzed and made better through science and chemistry. The end result? A record-breaking ballistic plate that outperforms every competitor in the industry. Why go to great lengths to make such a product that’s costly, and labor-intensive? Because it’s our passion to make a product you can truly put your life behind.
Here at RMA, we don’t just claim to have the customer in mind when engineering our products – we’ve proven it. RMA has invested just over $4.5 million dollars into our products, ensuring we’re the leaders in the industry.
RMA owns and operates a 20,000 square foot factory in Centerville, Iowa where all of our armor plates are manufactured from raw material to final product. Please stop by for a tour! We give tours on a daily basis and would be honored to show you – our customer – the products we produce.
First US Company to Develop Female Hard Armor Plates for Civilians, LE and Military
DUNS: 078720225
CAGE: 708P1
US Trademark Registered: 4,501,218
HubZone Certified by the SBA
ISO 9001:2015 Certified